Category: Stiri generale
Editor: Business Insider SRL
Contractor SATI: Business Insider SRL
CEO: Ruxandra-Corina Chirileasa/Volker Moser
BRAT representative: Ruxandra-Corina Chirileasa
Adress Bucuresti, Str. Nicolae Iorga, Nr. 5, Etaj 2, Birou 2, Sector 1
Phone: n/a
Regie publicitate: -
Departament publicitate: -
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Chart context menuGenderMale 60.2 %Male 60.2 %Female 39.8 %Female 39.8 %MaleFemale
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Chart context menuAge16-18 years 2.4 %16-18 years 2.4 %19-24 years 20.2 %19-24 years 20.2 %25-34 years 20.5 %25-34 years 20.5 %35-44 years 24.5 %35-44 years 24.5 %45-54 years 18.6 %45-54 years 18.6 %55-64 years 7.6 %55-64 years 7.6 %65-74 years 6.2 %65-74 years 6.2 %16-18 years19-24 years25-34 years35-44 years45-54 years55-64 years65-74 years
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Chart context menuSocial category ESOMARAB category 35.5 %AB category 35.5 %C category 46.2 %C category 46.2 %DE category 18.3 %DE category 18.3 %AB categoryC categoryDE category
Visitors per Month (VpL)
Group Target group Mii persoane Structura (%) Affinity index
Total Total 8 100 100
Gender Male 5 60,2 122
Female 3 39,8 78
Age 16-18 years 0 2,4 48
19-24 years 2 20,2 201
25-34 years 2 20,5 114
35-44 years 2 24,5 116
45-54 years 1 18,6 79
55-64 years 1 7,6 53
65-74 years 0 6,2 70
Social category ESOMAR AB category 3 35,5 128
C category 4 46,2 136
DE category 1 18,3 47