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SAO 2021

Mobility study completion period: 8 ian 2018 - 26 ian 2020
Universe size: 3,504,586 persoane
Sample size: 13,252 respondenti
Satellite image analysis period for traffic data modeling feb 2019 - ian 2020
Boards included in the study: toate fetele suport existente in teren in aprilie 2022

The existence and characteristics of all the panels included in the SAO are verified through field visits, according to the Organization and Operation Regulations of the OOH Department within BRAT

Reach: represents the number of people (unique, deduplicated) who see a panel or a selection of panels, on average per week, also called the "audience of the panel". It is expressed in thousands (total number of people from the universe) and in percentage (%) compared to the total universe.

GRP: represents the total number of contacts registered by the selection of support faces in a week expressed in thousands (total contacts) or % relative to the total universe.