back to newslettersInvitatie Webit Congress 2013, 6-7 noiembrie 2013, Istanbul
Stimata doamna, stimate domn,
Biroul Roman de Audit al Tirajelor (BRAT) anunta parteneriatul incheiat cu Webit Congress 2013 (, singurul eveniment global dedicat pietelor de media digitala din Europa, Orientul Apropiat, Africa si Asia. A 5-a editie a Webit va avea loc la Istanbul, intre 6 si 7 noiembrie 2013.
Evenimentul va avea peste 8.000 de participanti din peste 100 de tari, peste 200 de speakeri, peste 300 de reprezentanti ai media. Evenimentul este compus din 11 conferinte, workshop-uri, festivitati de premiere si petreceri care vor avea loc in cele 2 zile ale Webit Congress 2013.
Un numar imens de speakeri de clasa mondiala propun in fiecare an un program bogat : "Digital Marketing and Innovation Conference", "Telco Conference", "eCommerce Conference", "Metrix Conference", "Leaders of the Future Conference", plus alte numeroase dezbateri. Printre acestia sunt numerosi CEO, experti ai unora din cele mai inovative companii din lume: companii telecom din EMEA, experti digital/mobile, reprezentanti guvernamentali din tarile EMEA, advertiseri, profesionisti eCommerce, consultanti si cercetatori de top, antreprenori.
Ca partener al Webit 2013, va putem oferi un discount de 20% pentru toate biletele pe care le achizitionati pana la 15 iulie 2013. Trebuie doar sa specificati codul special BRAT13, atunci ca va inregistrati la aici.
Alte reduceri si posibilitati de sponsorizare sunt disponibile direct la organizatori.
Daca aveti intrebari suplimentare pentru organizatorii Webit Congress 2013, va rugam sa dati click aici :, specificand ca sunteti membri BRAT.
Cu stima,
Arina Ureche,
Director general BRAT
Romanian Bureau of Circulations Audit (BRAT) is proud to announce our partnership with the only global event for all things digital, tech with special focus on the markets of Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia - Webit Congress 2013 ( The 5th edition of the congress shall be held on 6-7 November in Istanbul, Turkey.
8000+ attendees from 100+ countries, 200+ speakers, 300+ media representatives shall be attending the 11 conferences, trade expo, workshops award ceremonies and parties which will take place during the 2 days of Webit Congress 2013.
Every year huge number of first-world-class speakers create an amazing agenda of the parallel conferences of the Congress including "Digital Marketing and Innovation Conference", "Telco Conference", "eCommerce Conference", "Metrix Conference", "Leaders of the Future Conference", the workshops, devcamps, etc. Among the speakers are CEOs and other C level experts from the most innovative companies in the world, telecoms from EMEA, top digital/mobile experts, high level governments representatives from EMEA, advertisers, eCommerce professionals, top consultants and researchers, founders and tech entrepreneurs.
As a partner of Webit Congress 2013, we are happy to provide you with a 20% discount of all ticket prices with this special code: BRAT13. Please note that this offer is only for limited time and expires on July 15th, 2013. Click here to register and apply the code at the designated field.
We have also secured further discounts of exhibition and sponsorship opportunities which you may claim as our member directly from the organizers.
Should you have any further question please contact the Webit Congress organizers team here: mentioning your membership with us.
Best wishes,
Arina Ureche,
General Manager BRAT
tel: 021.311.77.40
fax: 0372.87.30.39
mobil: 0722.755.220
Adresa: Calea Grivitei, Nr 6-10, et 3, Sector 1,
Cod Postal 010731
Bucuresti, Romania
CP 160, Oficiul Postal 22, Bucuresti

Evenimentul va avea peste 8.000 de participanti din peste 100 de tari, peste 200 de speakeri, peste 300 de reprezentanti ai media. Evenimentul este compus din 11 conferinte, workshop-uri, festivitati de premiere si petreceri care vor avea loc in cele 2 zile ale Webit Congress 2013.
Un numar imens de speakeri de clasa mondiala propun in fiecare an un program bogat : "Digital Marketing and Innovation Conference", "Telco Conference", "eCommerce Conference", "Metrix Conference", "Leaders of the Future Conference", plus alte numeroase dezbateri. Printre acestia sunt numerosi CEO, experti ai unora din cele mai inovative companii din lume: companii telecom din EMEA, experti digital/mobile, reprezentanti guvernamentali din tarile EMEA, advertiseri, profesionisti eCommerce, consultanti si cercetatori de top, antreprenori.
Ca partener al Webit 2013, va putem oferi un discount de 20% pentru toate biletele pe care le achizitionati pana la 15 iulie 2013. Trebuie doar sa specificati codul special BRAT13, atunci ca va inregistrati la aici.
Alte reduceri si posibilitati de sponsorizare sunt disponibile direct la organizatori.
Daca aveti intrebari suplimentare pentru organizatorii Webit Congress 2013, va rugam sa dati click aici :, specificand ca sunteti membri BRAT.
Cu stima,
Arina Ureche,
Director general BRAT
Romanian Bureau of Circulations Audit (BRAT) is proud to announce our partnership with the only global event for all things digital, tech with special focus on the markets of Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia - Webit Congress 2013 ( The 5th edition of the congress shall be held on 6-7 November in Istanbul, Turkey.
8000+ attendees from 100+ countries, 200+ speakers, 300+ media representatives shall be attending the 11 conferences, trade expo, workshops award ceremonies and parties which will take place during the 2 days of Webit Congress 2013.
Every year huge number of first-world-class speakers create an amazing agenda of the parallel conferences of the Congress including "Digital Marketing and Innovation Conference", "Telco Conference", "eCommerce Conference", "Metrix Conference", "Leaders of the Future Conference", the workshops, devcamps, etc. Among the speakers are CEOs and other C level experts from the most innovative companies in the world, telecoms from EMEA, top digital/mobile experts, high level governments representatives from EMEA, advertisers, eCommerce professionals, top consultants and researchers, founders and tech entrepreneurs.
As a partner of Webit Congress 2013, we are happy to provide you with a 20% discount of all ticket prices with this special code: BRAT13. Please note that this offer is only for limited time and expires on July 15th, 2013. Click here to register and apply the code at the designated field.
We have also secured further discounts of exhibition and sponsorship opportunities which you may claim as our member directly from the organizers.
Should you have any further question please contact the Webit Congress organizers team here: mentioning your membership with us.
Best wishes,
Arina Ureche,
General Manager BRAT
tel: 021.311.77.40
fax: 0372.87.30.39
mobil: 0722.755.220
Adresa: Calea Grivitei, Nr 6-10, et 3, Sector 1,
Cod Postal 010731
Bucuresti, Romania
CP 160, Oficiul Postal 22, Bucuresti